Dental implants are generally a hugely successful solution for replacing missing teeth, with high rates of success and relatively low rates of major complications. However, what day to day emergencies or problems may occur with a dental implant?
Problems that may occur with dental implants
The following is a list of the more common problems that may occur with a dental implant:
- Pain
- Bleeding
- Loosening of the implant
- Loosening of the implant restoration due to loosening of the implant screw
- Abscess of the gum around the implant
- Recession of the gum around the implant
- Numbness or altered sensation in the period following implant placement
How to prevent problems occurring with your dental implants
It is very important to remember that a dental implant needs to be looked after in the same way as a natural tooth (maybe even better!). If exemplary oral hygiene is not maintained, with regular professional Hygiene visits, there is a risk of peri-implantitis occurring. Peri-implantitis is similar to gum disease that can affect a natural tooth, and can result in failure of the dental implant.
In the early stages following implant placement, it is essential to follow the instructions of the dentist as how well you follow these post-operative instructions will have a bearing on the long-term success of the implant.
How can The 247 Dentist help with my dental implant problem?
In most cases of emergencies with a dental implant, it is advisable to contact the dentist who placed or restored the implant in preference to contacting The 247 Dentist. The reason for this is that there are hundreds of dental implant systems, each with their own components and idiosyncrasies. In cases where the implant has recently been placed, the placing dentist should be seen as a matter or urgency.
If you have an abscess with the dental implant, The 247 Dentist may be able to clean the area and provide antibiotics. Book your appointment today!